Why Autospritz?
Stock availability and fast delivery
Effective car care products without the need for warm water
Wide range of high quality products
Premium products at unrivalled prices
Spare parts for car washers
If your car wash needs spare parts, we are fully at your disposal.
Car care products Swundo
A quality wash thanks to Swundo premium car care products from us.
Automatic and non-contact lines
Are you interested in building your own touchless line?
Self-service car washes
Everything for your self-service car wash.
Product categories

Chemicals and car care products
Active foam, Waxes, Cleaners, Fragrances and Scented Trees, SWUNDO

Hand washing and Detailing
Microfiber wipes, Cleaning concentrates, Brushes, squeegees

Low pressure pumps, High pressure pumps

Spare parts
Electronic components, Dosing and distribution of chemicals, Self-service vacuum cleaners

Payment systems
Hoppers, coin machines, banknote acceptors, Terminals and cashless systems

Pad holders, Carpet cleaners
Náhradne diely pre autoumyvárky
Ak vaša autoumyvárka potrebuje náhradné diely, sme vám plne k dispozícii.
Autokozmetika Swundo
Kvalitné umytie vďaka prémiovej autokozmetike Swundo od nás.
Automatic and non-contact lines
Máte záujem o vybudovanie vlastnej bezdotykovej linky?
Samoobslužné autoumývarky
Všetko pre vašu samoobslužnú autoumyvárku.
Prečo Autospritz?
Rozsiahla ponuka produktov vysokej kvality
Stock availability and fast delivery
Premium products at unrivalled prices
Effective car care products without the need for warm water
Kategórie produktov

Chemicals and car care products
Active foam, Waxes, Cleaners, Fragrances and Scented Trees, SWUNDO

Hand washing and Detailing
Mikrovlákenné utierky, Čistiace koncentráty, Kefy, stierky

Nízkotlakové čerpadlá, Vysokotlakové čerpadlá

Spare parts
Electronic components, Dosing and distribution of chemicals, Self-service vacuum cleaners

Payment systems
Hoppers, coin machines, banknote acceptors, Terminals and cashless systems

Držiaky na podložky, Čističe kobercov
Prémiové produkty vysokej kvality za bezkonkurenčné ceny.
nahradne diely
Do you need spare parts for your car wash? We are here for you.
Super Deal
Super Deal
Aké služby ponúkame
Náhradné diely pre autoumyvárky
Pozrite si našu ponuku kvalitných a originálnych produktov.
Servis autoumyvárok
Ponúkame aj servis autoumyvárok. Obráťte sa na nás.
Autoumyvárky a bezdotykové linky
Potrebujete čistiace prostriedky pre autoumyvárku či chcete vystavať vlastnú?
Prenajímanie automatizovaného automatu, ktorý zvýši atraktivitu a efektivitu vášho biznisu.

Čistiace prípravky špeciálne vyvinuté pre dokonalú čistotu bez nutnosti použitia teplej a horúcej vody.
What services do we offer
Car wash stations maintenance.
We also offer car wash stations maintenance. Please, contact us.
VENDUNIT vending machine
Renting of automated vending machines that will increase the attractiveness and efficiency of your business.
Spare parts for car washes
Take a look at our offer of high quality and genuine products.
Car wash stations and touchless lines
Do you need cleaning agents for a car wash or do you want to build your own?

Cleaning products specially formulated for perfect cleanliness that does not require the use of warm and hot waters.
Car care
Pre veľkoodberateľov
Ready-to-Ship cleaning agents in larger quantities for self- serviced car washes.
Effective and lasting solutions
SWUNDO products are also available in larger units for automatic and touchless lines.
Effectively clean without a single touch
Účinné a dlhotrvajúce riešenia
Čistiace prostriedky pripravené na odber vo väčšom množstve pre samobslužné autoumyvárky.
Efektívne čisté bez jediného dotyku
Produkty SWUNDO sú k dispozícii vo väčších baleniach aj pre automatické a bezdotykové linky.